I find this Nana-Cacao smoothie gives me the boost I need to get in a quick morning workout. I drink it about 30+ minutes before my exercise routine or yoga… I follow up my workout with a pinch of local bee pollen, and 1-2 oz of raw aloe vera gel, from my plant, or from the store, whichever I have time for that morning. Enjoy!
Recipe: Raw Nana-Cacao Smoothie
1 Organic Banana
2 Scoops Raw Maca Powder
2 Scoops Raw Cacao Powder
1 Scoop Amazing Grass Powder, Cacao Flavor
1 Tbsp Chia Seeds (more if desired)
2 Cups Almond Milk
Ice Cubes
(As an occasional twist you can add a scoop of Organic Raw Almond/Peanut Butter!)
Blend and enjoy the massive energy boost for breakfast!
I bet Blakers would like this rendition of her favorite "SMMOOODEEEEES" :-)